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:-) "by Ellen Leonhardt"

I was told that my ancestors came from the Hope Clan, but I cannot find information on them. Can you assist me?

;-) Hello Ellen Leonhardt,

The name 'HOPE' is a scottish name found in the Lothian in the 16th-century. The immediate ancestor of the principal line of the clan was John de Hope who is said to have come to Scotland from France in 1537 as part of the retinue of Magdalen, the first wife of James V of Scotland [James V was father of Mary Stewart 'Queen of Scots'].

Sir John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun had a notable military career. In 1822 he staged a magnificent reception for George IV at Hoptoun during the king's famous visit to Scotland [George IV, father of Queen Victoria c.19th century. He was the first monarch to visit Scotland in full tartan kilt (Royal Stewart) regalia].

During the hay-day of Scottish clans 'HOPE' had no Clan affiliation. With the history noted above, your 'HOPE' ancestors would have worn "Royal Stewart" tartan or "Black Watch" please see the article highlighting the "Independent Highland Companies" - see Black Watch

"Clan Hope." Wikipedia. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Hope]. 18 November 2013. web.

keywords[x] comments, tartan, wool, kilts, clan, septs
# 51 - Clan Hope by Ellen Leonhardt - - - Groton - South Dakota - USA
:-[] 3 Celts & Company • BLACK WATCH "Independent Highland Companies"

The first Independent Companies (then known as the 'Kings Guard') are generally regarded to have been formed after the Union of the Crowns in 1603 when James VI of Scotland became James I of England. Following events of 1688, King James II of England (VII of Scotland) made a decision to secure peace throughout both the Scottish Highlands and Scottish Lowlands. The main chiefs were asked to supply a certain number of men each. By 1738 the Independent Highland Companies were known officially as 'Am Freiceadan Dubh' or Black Watch. The Independent Highland Companies took a very active part in the Jacobite rising of 1745. One of their first actions was when 600 men of the Grant, two Sutherland, Munro and Mackay companies fought in the Siege of Fort Augustus (December 1745). The fort was liberated from the Clan Fraser of Lovat, largely Jacobites.
During the Seven Years’ War a number of unidentified Independent Highland Companies were raised but were almost immediately sent south to the Scottish Lowlands or to England as new recruits and could scarcely be regarded as true Independent Companies but were more like a recruitment agency for the British Army. There were no more Independent Highland Companies formed after 1763 but from those that had been before emerged the world-famous Highland regiments during the remainder of the 18th century.


"Independent Highland Companies." Wikipedia. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Highland_Companies]. 3 November 2013. web.

keywords[x] tartan, wool, kilts, Black Watch, clan, regiments
# 50 - Black Watch - - - - - Scotland
:-P:-[] 3 Celts & Company • "JOHNSTON"

John, a 12th-century holder of Annandale lands under the Bruces,gave name to his citadel or 'toun,' from which his son took the surname de JOHNSTON or JOHNSTONE: the spelling indicating no real difference, though the "e" is less frequent in North than South. A turbulent Border clan--hardly "the Gentle Johnstones" to their MAXWELL and DOUGLAS rivals--they were frequently appointed Wardens of the West March, hence their motto, "Aye Ready." The Aberdeenshire branch was founded by a 14th-century Steven de JOHNSTON, from the Annandale family, marrying a GARRIOCH heiress. JOHNSTONES of Coll are properly MacIANS from Ardnamurchan; whilst occasional others have had the name as hailing from Perth, otherwise St. John's-toun.


"JOHNSTON." Scots Kith and Kin and Illustrated Map Revised Second Edition. Edinburgh, SCOT: Clan House, c.1970. p.59. Print.

keywords[x] tartan, wool, kilts, Johnston, Johnstone, clan, septs
# 49 - Clan Johnston - - - - - Scotland

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